This Devlog is for the Final submission.
How well does the final game compare to the concept document?
My final game compared to my concept is somewhat similar except a lot of the content I planned to add in didn’t end up making it in my game such as Secret Levels, Lightning shooting out of storm clouds, Shooting projectiles, heaps more levels.
The reason why I didn’t end up implementing them in my game is that my ability to code is not very great so I tried to make the game as simple as possible and some of the concept ideas were just hard for me to implement.
Asset List
- Falling
This script exists in Level 2. The purpose of this script is to make some of the platforms in level 2 fall when you jump on them.
- Platform Manager
This script exists in Level 2. The purpose of this script spawn the falling platform prefabs when you enter Level 2 and place them at the coordinates I have chosen.
- Moving Platform
This script exists in Level 2 and Level 3. The purpose of this script is to make the platforms move vertical or horizontal depending on where I placed the Position points. (the position points are placed where the platform starts and where it arrives and keeps looping forever)
- MoveE
This script exists in Level 1 and Level 2. The purpose of this script is to make the spike balls and the sawblades move horizontally or vertically depending on where i placed the position points. This script is the same as the Moving Platform script except it doesn’t make the player a child of the object.
- BGScript
This script exists on the Main Menu scene and makes sure that the Background music can be played in every single scene.
- Sound Manager
This script exists in the settings scene and lets players change the volume of the sound
- Help
This script is in the main menu and is attached to the Help button so players can look at the controls and how to play.
- Linds
This script is in the main menu and is attached to the Lindsay button so players can use Lindsay mode
- Main Menu
This script is in all of the levels for when you pause the game so you can go to the Main Menu. it’s also in the end game scenes so you can go back to the Main Menu and also in the Help and settings so you can go back to the Main Menu.
- Pause
This script exists in all of the Levels and enables the player to pause the game when they press the escape button and to also unpause by pressing the escape button.
- Quit
This script exists in the Main Menu and also when you pause the game, this script lets the player quit the application.
- Setting
This script exists in the Main Menu, this script lets the player go into the Settings menu
This script exists in the Main Menu, this script lets the player start the game. Forgot to give it a name so it just stayed as the default name.
- Camera
This is on all of the Cinemachine cameras. The purpose of this script is to so that when a player dies or goes to another scene the Cinemachine camera still follows them.
- Level Manager
This script is on every level. The purpose of this script is that the player will respawn when they die.
- Load Level
This script is on every level. This script lets the player go to another level when they jump into the ontrigger box collider.
- Death
This script is on the player at every level. This script makes the player die when they collide with anything that has the enemy tag on. It is also linked to the Level manager to help my player respawn.
- Player Movement
This script is on the player during every level. This script lets the player walk and jump. It uses the rigid body of the player to make the player move and jump. This script also has play a sound when jumping.
- Player
Contains set values for movement, jumping and certain scripts that need to always be on the player.
- Pointy
Pointy is a spike that can kill you. Made a prefab as it was easier than making them over and over again
- SpikeBall
SpikeBall is an object that can kill you. Made a prefab as it was easier than making them over and over again
- Platform
This prefab is used for moving platforms and stationary ones, for stationary I just remove the moving component. (should have just made a separate prefab for stationary)
- Falling Platform
This prefab is used for the falling platforms that get spawned in.
- Respawn/Gameobject
The Respawn and Gameobject prefab do the exact same thing, they let the player spawn where they are located in the scene. Forgot I had respawn prefab so made a Gameobject prefab as well. :)
- Pos1, Pos 1 1, Pos 2, Pos 2 1.
These are all of the prefabs used for the Moving platform positions. Hard to tell which points were for each platform so made prefabs and renamed them to make it easier for me to locate them if they were bugged.
- Canvas (pause)
The canvas prefab is also known as the pause menu, was made so I could just place it on every level. The Canvas Prefab has a panel which is the pause Menu, Main Menu button, Quit button, and text.
- Player and Player animation (n.d.). Free Pixel Art Tiny Hero Sprites. [online] Available at: [Accessed 19 Oct. 2021].
- Pixel sky featured in Level 3
Pinterest. (n.d.). Day Sky - Sky of June | Pixel art background, Art background, Pixel art. [online] Available at: [Accessed 19 Oct. 2021].
- Black tiles featured in Level 1 and 2
Nimnon (2015). Blue Brick Tileset. [online] Available at: [Accessed 19 Oct. 2021].
- Ground and Grass tileset featured in Level 3
hitmanrec (2019). Grass on dirt & stone tileset. [online] Available at: [Accessed 19 Oct. 2021].
- Purple bricks featured in Level 1 and 2
Created by me :)
- Pointy featured in Level 1 and 3
Created by me :3
- SpikeBall featured in Level 1
Created by me ^_^
- Platforms in Level 2 and 3
Created by me >:)
- Yellow Arrow featured in Level 1
Created by me :’)
- Storm Cloud featured in Level 3
Created by me 0_0
- Font Featured in every Level
Fonts, 1001 (n.d.). Paper Cut Font · 1001 Fonts. [online] 1001 Fonts. Available at: [Accessed 19 Oct. 2021].
- Robo-Lindsay featured in Settings and Main Menu
Created by Dr Lindsay Wells
- Robo-Ian featured in Settings and Main Menu
Created by Dr Ian Lewis
- Jump Sound
Sound Searcher. (n.d.). [online] Available at:
- Background Music (n.d.). Retro Platforming by David Fesliyan - Royalty Free Music Download. [online] Available at: [Accessed 19 Oct. 2021].
Other References:
- Sound Manager Script
Created by Hooson (n.d.). How To Make A Volume Slider In 4 Minutes - Easy Unity Tutorial. [online] Available at: [Accessed 19 Oct. 2021].
Master of Awesomeness
Status | In development |
Author | cursed_neko |
Genre | Platformer |
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- User GuideOct 19, 2021
- FeedbackOct 07, 2021
- Master of Awesomeness Week 2Sep 19, 2021
- Master of Awesomeness Week 1Sep 12, 2021
- Master of AwesomenessAug 30, 2021
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